
Microimpuls IPTV/OTT Middleware Smarty
Smarty - решение для построения операторского сервиса интерактивного телевидения. Smarty адаптирована под все современные устройства, медиаплатформы, Smart TV и все популярные операторские IP-приставки Set-Top Box (в том числе «ветераны» IPTV-рынка MAG, Amino и т.д.), мобильные устройства и самые современные медиа-приставки.

The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) is a non-profit collaborative trade organization established by Sony in June 2003 iance, that is responsible for defining interoperability guidelines to enable sharing of digital media between multimedia devices. These guidelines are built upon existing public standards, but the guidelines themselves are private (available for a fee). These guidelines specify a set of restricted ways of using the standards to achieve interoperability.IMAQLIQ provides full DLNA compatibility in our IMAQLIQ TV product line.

Американская транснациональная корпорация, реорганизованная 15 октября 2015 года в международный конгломерат Alphabet Inc., компания в составе холдинга Alphabet, инвестирующая в интернет-поиск, облачные вычисления и рекламные технологии.

Xilinx is the world’s leading provider of All Programmable FPGAs, SoCs and 3D ICs. These industry-leading devices are coupled with a next-generation design environment and IP to serve a broad range of customer needs, from programmable logic to programmable systems integration. IMAQLIQ widely deploys Xilinx's products both for prototyping and in mass productions.

HiSilicon is a global leading fabless semiconductor and IC design company that is dedicated to providing comprehensive connectivity and multimedia chipset solutions. As a prominent industry leader, HiSilicon paves the way for innovations in global connectivity and end-to-end ultra-HD video technologies.

Компания Dolby создает инновационные решения на стыке науки и искусства в области аудио-, видео- и голосовых технологий. Передовые исследования и блестящие идеи помогают нам делать развлечения незабываемыми, а общение приятным.

IHDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a compact audio/video interface for transferring uncompressed video data and compressed/uncompressed digital audio data from an HDMI-compliant device ("the source device") to a compatible digital audio device, computer monitor, video projector, or digital television.HDMI is a digital replacement for existing analog video standards. IMAQLIQ fully supports the latest HDMI recommendations

Amlogic (sometimes stylized AMLogic) is an American technology company that was founded in the US as Amlogic Inc. and is predominantly focused on designing and selling SoC (System on Chip) integrated circuits. Like most fabless companies in the industry, the company outsources the actual manufacturing of its chips to third-party independent chip manufacturers such as TSMC.

Verimatrix is a company which specializes in content security for digital television services around the globe, providing pay television service protection technology and secure VOIP. It provides software and IP-based security through its Verimatrix Video Content Authority System (VCAS).

Компания ЭсТи Микроэлектроникс - это мировой лидер в производстве интегральных микросхем полного цикла. Компания ИМАКЛИК сотрудничает с этим франко-итальянским предприятием на протяжении многих лет.